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Written by: Steven R. Clawson
| Read Time: 3 minutes
blood clots after car accident

Car accidents are notorious for causing immediate and noticeable injuries.

Feeling fine right after a car accident doesn’t guarantee you’re out of the woods. Some injuries might not show up right away. While a few are obvious from the start, others may appear days or even weeks later.

Don’t ignore any discomfort, pain, or strange health issues in the weeks following your accident. They could be signs of hidden injuries that might require medical attention.

However, car accidents can also have delayed symptoms that may take hours or days to materialize.

Common delayed injuries after a car accident include:

  • Internal bleeding: The blunt force trauma from a car accident could cause internal bleeding, which is potentially fatal if left untreated. You may experience severe bruising, confusion, dizziness and fainting.
  • Whiplash: You may suffer from neck, back or shoulder pain after an accident. These are possible signs of whiplash.
  • Post-Concussion Syndrome: If you suffered a concussion during your accident, then you could experience delayed symptoms caused by post-concussion syndrome. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of post-concussion syndrome include insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, dizziness, problems concentrating, impaired memory function and headaches.
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Car accidents are traumatic events. As a result, you may be at risk for developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD. This is a debilitating mental health condition that can affect every aspect of your life. According to the Centers for Disease Control, symptoms of PTSD include panic attacks, nightmares, flashbacks and depression.
  • Blood clots: When your body is subjected to blunt force trauma, it can increase the risk of a blood clot forming. Large amounts of blood could flow to the area where the injury occurred. If a clot forms in a blood vessel, it can travel to other parts of the body and cut off circulation. This could trigger a heart attack or stroke.
  • Delayed bruising: In the context of car accidents, delayed bruising can occur when the impact damages blood vessels, leading to the gradual leakage of blood. This type of bruising may not become visible until hours or even days after the collision.

Always seek medical attention after a crash, even if you believe you were not seriously injured. Not only could medical attention save your life, it may also immediately establish documentation that shows the extent of your injuries.

Should I Talk About My Injuries with an Insurance Adjuster?

It is likely that you will be contacted by an adjuster working for the other driver’s insurance company soon after your accident.

The adjuster may ask about any injuries you suffered during the crash. Telling the adjuster that you believe you are not seriously injured could affect the outcome of your claim and any future compensation.

If you did not seek medical attention after the accident, then it is possible that you suffered serious injuries that will require more medical care than you had originally anticipated.

When the insurance adjuster calls, it is best to leave them with identifying information and politely hang up the phone.

If you believe the negligence of one or more parties contributed to your accident, then you should call a car accident attorney. An attorney can help you review options for recovering damages from these parties.

Wells Call Injury Lawyers provides experienced and passionate legal representation for individuals who were injured by the negligent actions of others. Our East Bay Area car accident attorneys make each case a team effort to provide the best possible outcome for our clients.

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